Global Warming
1-6 am?

Global Warming
1-6 am?

Planet Earth is in Serious Trouble!


We witness each day rising temperatures, disease, sea levels, fires, droughts and the increasing extinction of wonderful and beautiful creatures.

On the day I was born the human population on the Planet was 2.7 Billion.

Today the Human population is 7.8 Billion! and rising rapidly every day.

16,000 Humans are born every hour or 368,000 every day! that is the equivalent of 4 packed and full Wembley stadiums EVERY DAY!

Where is the food, power, and clean water going to come from to provide for such numbers of Humans?

Where is all of the rubbish, stuff and waste going to be disposed of around the Planet?

We, the Human race are in the midst of an ever increasing crisis as the Planet cannot sustain the pressure placed upon Mother nature.

Mother Earth has been here for Millions of years and has seen many changes, but none such as now seen since Oil was discovered 4 generations ago.

It gave man the resource to invent and produce machines to provide power for transport and Industry. It gave us the ability to produce Plastics, fuel, lubricants and many things to marvel at as the 20th Century moved forward.

It gave man the ability to fly high in the incredible skies above.

At any one point in the day a minimum of 16 Million Humans are sitting on Aeroplanes flying around the Planet emitting truly poisonous gases destroying the Oxone layer which protects Earth from the Sun’s rays.

In any one point in the day over One Billion motor vehicles are operating pumping out Lethal gases which are now choking humans including children especially in Major cities.

The tragedy which is happening as you read this is quite literally out of control and increasing every second.
Rapid temperatures are being recorded around the Planet with a lack of snow in areas where snow is a constant part of Winter normally!

The Arctic Circle is disappearing at an alarming rate and any day now a Glacier the size of Europe is about to break away with no known destination!
The Glacier will no doubt begin to rapidly melt increasing both water temperature and increase sea levels.

It is predicted it will find it’s way downwards into the Atlantic causing a major shipping hazard.

Islands such as the Maldives will disappear within 5 years, many villages and Paradise locations will be lost as well as huge disruption to many major cities.

Very recently Venice had it’s most serious flooding ever recorded, six weeks later there was NO water in the city as canals were empty for several days . . . 

a sight never witnessed before by man.

In December 5 inches of snow fell 15 miles from Beverly Hills California, on the same day it was 62f in Chicago…the weather pattern had reversed!

Before man arrived on Mother Earth the Planet could only be described as Perfect.

A planet which lived in harmony with everything balanced and running like a Swiss watch.

The Skies, Oceans, Mountains, Wild life, Birds, Sea life and the amazing colours of the Natural World were nothing short of a miracle!

I believe the saying ‘HEAVEN ON EARTH’ is the accurate way to describe the Planet at that point.

Many believe that this is our world, their world…. which of course it is not.

We are visitors here having been the given the Gift Of Life and a truly amazing opportunity to awe and enjoy our journeys.

Humans were gifted truly incredible talents like NO other than the species with whom we share Mother Earth.

And yet in just 100 years, we the Visitors have vandalised every square inch on which we could get our hands on to use for our own benefit.

Does the Human race deserve to, or have the right to act as such?… more than for example the Polar Bears and Tropical birds, Kangaroos or Koalas?

I don’t think so.

In less than ten years fish could become inedible throughout the world and be seen as Cancerous. 

93% of all fish around the Planet are now known to contain Plastic particles which when contained within a living organism becomes Cancerous.

Cattle are the most Pollutant creature on the Planet emitting methane on an hourly basis, each one enough to power an average home each day.
There are more than 4 Billion Cattle being fed and raised on Earth to satisfy our addictions to steak and Hamburgers!
The amount of land and feed to sustain cattle is truly frightening….more than the Human race!

The Bottom Line is the Planet is fighting back and will work hard to rid us off this Planet.

Nature is ever Powerful and will survive as it has done for Millions of years.

We the Human race will not stand any chance of survival unless we make severe and hard choices NOW.

. . .  not in 5 years or 10 years but quite simply NOW!

The facts are that by 2060 Billions will be on the move simply to find food and shelter…mostly heading Northward.
Many parts of the Planet will be at that point deserts of inability to survive in for Humans…it will become Human Bedlam!


‘What will the reply be when your Grandchildren ask, ‘Why didn’t they do something when they could and should? Why did they just ignore it and let it happen?’

If you don’t care enough for yourself and Mother Earth then at least do it for the kids who have as much right to enjoy this amazing Planet and the Gift of Life . . . as you have!


I ask you, if you are burning electricity between 1-6 am for NONEED then turn it off!

An estimated 800 Million bulbs are burning within the M25 area alone between 1-6 am for NONEED other than to promote Big Business and stuff!

I ask you to do your part to help save the Planet for the kids and all the marvels we share the Planet with.

I like you am the problem…if you are wasting energy and supporting Global Warming 1-6 am for NONEED turn it off!

Please do YOUR bit.

If we can make the NONEED campaign work all around the Planet it will make a . . .




